October 28, 2020, 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
October 28, 2020, 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM
Zine Workshop with Julia Arredondo

To register
Do you have a box of old postcards that you never look at? Perhaps you accumulate bits of interesting paper and can’t bear to part with? This workshop will utilize these personal artifacts by preserving their memory in newly constructed visual narratives. In other words, this is an old-school, cut-n-paste zine workshop (presented virtually). We’ll be cutting things out and composing zine pages collage-style. This free workshop is for beginners and for folks who are interested in analog, hands-on methods of zine making. Let’s chill!
Julia Arredondo is an artist entrepreneur who recently concluded her MFA at Columbia College Chicago. Originally from Corpus Christi, Texas, Arredondo is heavily influenced by the small, family-based businesses she grew up around. Formally trained in printmaking and specializing in artistic forms of independent publishing, she founded Vice Versa Press and Curandera Press as her entrepreneurial debuts. Arredondo’s zine titles include Guide to Being Broke & Fabulous, Spells to Kill Your Boss, Easy Magic, and more.
This workshop is presented by Chicago Collections Consortium. It is preceded on October 22 by a Roundtable on Chicago’s zine making history.